One of the things that makes Adventure Access stand apart from other tour providers is our deep connections with locals in the areas where we operate our tours and experiences. One of our favorite places to visit is Zhuoma’s Tibetan Homestay and their newly opened Abu Lu Zi Eco Lodge.
Abu Lu Zi Eco Lodge
For the past 7 years this family has taken us in and they have become family to all of us here at Adventure Access. They provide a true Tibetan experience that is unlike any other. Whether staying at their old style Homestay or the Eco Lodge, the experience will not disappoint.Their hospitality combined with the surrounding environment makes a great get away from city life in China.
At Zhuoma’s Tibetan Homestay
Horseback riding
Biking on the mountain ridge
Adventure Access Outdoor Educational and Leadership Programs combined with the hospitality of Zhuoma’s family make this destination a perfect location for your school or company event.
A BU LU ZI Tibetan Restaurant
A trip to Jiuzhaigou would not be complete without a visit to this family run restaurant, A Bu Lu Zi. Ke Zhu brings his experience as a chef by incorporating flavours and specialties from all over the Tibetan region into a new type of Tibetan cuisine that is distinguished above your typical Tibetan dining experience found elsewhere in Sichuan.
Adventure Access